Monday, August 9, 2010

Great Week!!

Here is my cute Elder with some cute Chilean children! Can you tell he just loves these people.
Here is a recent letter from Derek ~ He is doing so good and is loving being a missionary! Wow ~ What more could a mom ask for!! I love this boy!!!
Hola mom!
Wow this was an amazing week! First thing I have to say is that prayers are answered in the lord’s way and in his time! The lord has really blessed me and showed his love for me this week! We didn’t have a lot of success on the new investigators or baptism part but that’s not what the mission is all about! This week I (with the lord) brought a family back to the church, and brought another family one step closer to being able to enter the temple in a year! A lot of the work down here in Chile is working with inactive and I have really found a love for doing this! The scripture/saying searching the lost sheep’s has really brought on a new meaning to me! There are the people that are lost that have never been on the path and people that are lost that just got lost from the path.
so you know about Christian and veronica that I have been working with since like my 4th day in Chile... we have been working a lot with veronica to help her stop smoking and get baptized and I have been praying all day every day since that day we found them that we can get them baptized... a lot lately I have felt really strong that the lord has things he has to put in there way before she will be baptized but I have still done everything I could to help her to be ready for that day! so Monday night we went over there for a noche de hogar or family night I guess haha but when we got there, there was like 6 places at the table and I was like what the heck who else is here... and than veronica walked out of the kitchen super happy and I was just like what the heck is going on and it just felt way different... than right behind veronica walked out her DAUGHTER!!! CONNIE!!! The one that they have been having problems with and everything. Holy crap I almost fell down and cried cause it was like the best thing ever and the biggest answer to my prayers! We taught them and she was way cool! She was super acceptive to everything and accepted the commitments to read and pray and all. Turns out that she was only there for visit but at the end of the night she didn’t want to leave. So we went back on Tuesday to find out what is going on so we talked to Vero and she said that Connie is probably going to be moving back this weekend and wow it was sweet! She also told us that she is already smoking less and that she said when Connie moves back she is going to quit smoking all together! so than on Thursday night we went back and taught Connie and the family and one of veronica’s friends was there with her family and they are big evangelicals so it was kinda funny. so we started teaching lesson one and this guy was trying to pull scriptures out to prove us wrong and we just turned it against him and than when we finished talking about Joseph smith I bore my testimony to Connie and was like I know without a doubt that all this is true... no one could show me any scripture or tell me anything that would change my beliefs cause I know that its true! It was really cool and the spirit was really strong and this guy didn’t say one more word the rest of the night haha it was so funny. But than yesterday was the sweetest day of them all! They all showed up to church! Connie and the family!!! And than in priesthood Christian got the priesthood! Wow it was so cool and I just felt the spirit and the love of god so strong! It was amazing!!! Wow great week!
also this week we have been working with a couple that the husband is like anti Mormon now but he was baptized and we had a noche de hogar with them this week and he showed up to church too and asked me at church when we are having another noche de hogar! It was really cool! The lord has really blessed me with many blessings and answers to prayers this week! And I know that its all from god from just working hard and being obedient. I LOVE THE MISSION!!! Cant believe its flying by so fast!
So sounds like things are going pretty great back at home! Everyone is staying really busy and doing what they should be doing! I really miss you all and love you all very much! Tell everyone that I say hi and I miss them! I love you mom and family!
Love Elder Anderson

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