Derek is in a new area called Rosende La Zona Zapadencia. He has been here since August 16th and loves it! He says it is the smallest area of his mission and in the northern part of his mission where the gansters are. (He says they sell drugs outside the chapel)
His first companion (actually 3rd altogether) is Elder Pando from Peru. He really likes Elder Pando and says that he is now becoming quite the soccer player as Elder Pando is a professional player for Peru.
As of September 26, he is now a senior companion and is serving with Elder Deardon. Elder Deardon has only been out for 3 months and he and Derek were in there first zone together. Derek says they get along great and are both hard workers, so he is really excited.
He says if this experience:
We had 3 baptisms! Catalina, Gabriel, and Hilaria. Wow it was amazing! We filled up the font and it was full and so we started the baptism, when we moved to the font to perform the baptism I entered first to baptize Gabriel and the water was almost all gone! There was only like a foot of water. I jumped in and ran to the drain and the drain had turned and opened somehow! Crazy how it happened cause no one entered the water before that and the drain is at the bottom of the font... so we had about a foot of water to baptize so we had everyone go into the chapel again and watch a movie that we prepared during the time we were all changing our wet clothes but we watched it before. Than we took out the fire hose and went to work filling up the font haha. Finally we got some water (freezing cold but water) we performed the baptisms and it was amazing! Than after the Bishop asked me to share my testimony so that was an amazing experience!
Derek says in his email:
Two amazing stories but the best part of the week happened today... last night we had changes and I got a new comp. named Elder Deardon he has half the time in the mission that I have so it will be crazy! He went to timpview for a little and then moved to boston . He is really cool! He looks like harry potter haha. but when I went to pick him up I saw Elder Fischer so I started talking to him (Elder Fischer is my buddy from Lo Prado who is zone leader there). He walked up to me and was like guess who got baptized yesterday. Right when he said that I knew and got all shook up and just about lost it! Veronica quit smoking and was baptized on the 26 of Sept! Cristian her husband baptized her! WOW the most amazing day of my life I couldnt be more happy to know all that. Amazing experience! wow!!!!